Thursday, February 25, 2021

Unity Tutorial 04

 For this week unity tutorial, we complete tutorial nine and ten. I have just six unity tutorials left until I have completed "RubyRuby's Adventure: 2D Beginner". In the first tutorial, I completed "Sprite Animation"  we added animation to both our robot and ruby characters. This tutorial was a bit for advanced and its the only time I would have preferred the video explanation rather than the written but it did help me learn the language of unity when trying to find things myself and diagnose a sentence into steps. I was pleased when I had this tutorial done and everything is working smoothly. In the second tutorial "World Interactions - Projectile" we make our character ruby throw a cog and fix the robots. This tutorial was more based on the #C scripts which I like, they also provide what your script should look like and the end of the tutorial so you can check if you've made any mistakes which iv found very helpful. 

For my image this week I chose another screenshot of my desktop while I am mid tutorial, this is a boring option but it does prove that I am actually doing the tutorials.  

Extra Credit week 15, "Tech Tip:Follow Twitter"

 This week for the extra credit task I have to do the "Tech Tip: Following at Twitter",  I have followed a few more people in my course as well as the TUDublin library services and The TUdublin student union I am now following over fifty people on Twitter and have over fifty followers. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Unity Tutorial 03

I enjoyed this week's unity tutorial. For this weeks tutorial we continued on with "Ruby's Adventure: 2D Beginner". I completed the seventh tutorial "World Interactions - Collectibles" which had seventeen steps then the eight tutorial "World Interactions - Damage Zones and Enemies" which only had seven steps. Overall this took me about an hour and forty minutes. In the first tutorial, we saw how Triggers work, and how to detect when a Rigidbody enters them, we wrote our your own function in C# scripts, used private and public access levels and wrote an "if statement". The second tutorial added a robot bad guy to make the world less friendly. We learned how to damage our character with a damage zone and with moving enemies. I was aiming to get two weeks worth of unity tutorials complete this week and that still might happen. The only trouble I found was that ruby will only move slightly up and down so there may be something wrong with the script. I will have to back and look over the week fifteens tutorial to see where I made a mistake. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Unity Tutorial 02 week15

Starting this weeks unity tutorial I was fairly confident. I flew through last weeks and I knew I would be able to do the same this week.  Though I normally enjoy sitting down to do the tutorials this week it was a case of getting it done and out of the way. Even still I feel like I learned a thing or two. In the first tutorial "Decorating the world" we got a chance to decorate the world we’ve created,customize the way that Unity renders our Sprites and reuse GameObjects using Prefabs. During the second part of the tutorial "World Interactions - Blocking Movement," we modified our character controller script so that Ruby can collide with the world and doesn’t go through objects. To do this we used the "Physics System". I think next week when I have a bit more spare time I am going to try to spend a day and get through a few unity tutorials. I managed to get this week one done in an hour and a half including the blog so I'm aiming to get tow done next week to give me the opportunity to spend more time on the writing tasks as we are now three weeks into semester two and I can already feel the workload of other modules starting to build up.  

screenshot of unity while doing the tutorial 

Extra Credit Teck Task "Tech Tip: Twitter List"

 For this week's extra credit task, I made a list on Twitter. I decided to make a list of interesting Irish people who I think everyone should be following on Twitter.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Unity Tutorial 01

 For this weeks unity tutorial, I chose the 2D game option where I completed a series of unity tutorials to create a 2D game named "Ruby's Adventure". This semester's tutorials are typed out detailed step by step instructions which I much prefer over last semesters tutorials which were a series of video a few minutes long. With the instructions typed you can go at your own pace and it doesn't go ahead without you. Once I had unity updated and everything set up I flew through the tutorial. I found this a lot quicker as well instead of watching the whole video the attempting the instructions I was able to complete each bullet point before moving on to the next. It also allowed me to listen to music while I worked wich made the time fly fast. I enjoyed this unity task as I am comfortable with the unity software so the task was enjoyable. For my image, I just chose to screenshot about halfway through the tutorial and a picture of Ruby from the game.  I am looking forward to creating a 2D game this semester and having the creative freedom to design the world which I think is next weeks task.


Thursday, February 4, 2021


This we had a "tour" with the librarian, she joined our lecture and talked us through the libraries website at TUDublin, she also showed us how to use Refworks to save us time when referencing our assignments. We had to choose what topic we wanted to write about when contributing to the academic textbook on gaming we are putting together as a class. I chose to write about "demographics of players(types of players)" under the chapter "Understanding the player". I choose this because I thought it would be interesting but it's not too broad so I won't be left with trying to cut down a ton of information I can write a detailed, informative piece. 


I then evaluated my selection based on the research topic checklist. Using the information provided by Lindsey this morning I gathered useful pieces of information relating to the chapter I chose to write about. I saved 13 articles from the library database relating to player demographic. This will save me a lot of time next week when I got to start my write up because I did the hours of research today I can just scan back through the information to find what I need. I gathered a few videos, some articled and some ebooks/pdfs. For my image, I chose to make a mind map on the miro of the keywords I used to research my topic.
Iv linked a few of the videos and articles below to come back and reference when I start my write up.

"What you need to know about gamer demographics & the new face of gaming"

"Tammie Schrader TED Talks"

"Wiki Bartle taxonomy types of players"