Monday, November 23, 2020

Week 9 Reading and Writing

Looking back:

I think the reading assignments are working well for me each week and I can see a big improvement from my first reading task at week three to my one this week at week eight. I find that I am a lot stronger at the reading element of the tasks than the writing element. I fly through the readings each week well under the recommended time and understand them perfectly but I find it difficult to form my thoughts into a blog post in a formal and informative way. My favorite readings so far have been during week seven where we read about game design and game flow theory, I found the game flow theory interesting to read about and the video really helped me understand the topic as I am a visual learner. I do think the reading notes each week are helping especially when they correspond and relate our tasks on game design. They also get us thinking about elements of game design that we wouldn't have previously considered which helps when we brainstormed and choose ideas for our final game. A new reading strategy I have discovered is identifying the main idea presented in the article and summarising it in my blog post. Up until today, I wasn't happy with my game project but since I decided to start again from scratch and focus on the gameplay and functionality of the game over the games looks I have become happier with my game and I now have a clear plan and know what goals I want to reach before the finale submission date. My biggest accomplishment for this module would be showing up getting the work done each week, it hasn't been easy but I'm glad I have stayed consistent. 

Image from my first reading task
I chose the image I used for my first reading task back at week three, I remember writing this blog post like it was yesterday, this year has gone so fast. I thought this would be an appropriate image to use.

Looking forward: 

When doing the tasks in my final three weeks of this module I am going to pay close attention to my reading and writing skills. When reading through my past blog post I can see a clear improvement in both my understanding of the assigned readings and how I write my interpretation of what I have learned. I want to continue improving each week and be able to take the reading and writing skills iv learned during this module and make use of them through the rest of my college experience.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ellen, I'm glad you're enjoying the reading and seeing improvements. I'm also a visual learner and I think the videos are a perfect way to include those of us that aren't great with words. I see you're finding the reading helpful which is good, I definitely think that it makes us all understand the task at hand more. Good luck with your game!
