Monday, November 23, 2020

First Playable

 When I went to work on my project this week I realized I wasn't happy with how I had started my prototype. I spent all last week worrying about how my prototype looked but after I received feedback from my lecture and he explained we will be marked more on how functional and good our gameplay is rather than the aesthetic of the game it made me reconsider my prototype as it will essentially be our final game in a few weeks. The assets I chose had already come with preset shadows, positions, and functions. This is not what I wanted so I decided to work from scratch as that would be easier than trying to change to a preset setting. I used the assets from one of the earlier unity tutorials we did called "Feed the animals" as it was just basic textures and characters. I used the woman farmer as my character, she is a bit younger than what I had planned but I don't think that matters. I used the grass texture and basic ground object that came with the asset package. I also imported a basic sky background. Now that my prototype has been stripped back I can focus on the actual functionality of my game. I started by using something iv learned from the most recent unity tutorial I did. I created a game object named "focal point" and attached it to my camera. I then made the camera rotate around the focal point so the player can control the camera movement around the player with the left and right arrow keys. Now I am going to work on the actual player's movement before incorporating the other components of my game like flowers etc. I think this week I have made the most progress and I am now clear n what I have to do over the next while to get this project done before the submission date. 


  1. Hi Ellen! I completely understand the frustration of not liking a game that you've made. I wanted to redo my game from scratch. I like how you started from scratch and went back to previous unity tutorials. I did that with my background as I wanted a mountainous area and the first unity tutorial was perfect for that. There are so many youtube tutorials for player movements, don't worry we're all in the same position! I was wondering if you were going to implement a scoring system and a countdown? The unity assets store is really handy with characters! Anyway good work! - Anna Zurawska

  2. Hi Ellen, it's Aoibhe! Hope you are doing well. I just had a read through your blog post. I understand your frustration, unity and assets can be annoying sometimes!! Sometimes it's better off to just start from scratch. From the screenshot you included I think your game looks great & I wish you the best of luck with it and I look forward to seeing the final product! - Aoibhe
