Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Game MDA

 The first article I read was titled MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research (here).  It discussed MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics) which is an approach taught to people so they can understand  game design and development, criticise games and do technical game search.  This will make it easier to decompose, design and study games.  The MDA framework breaks games into three components 1. Rules 2.System and 3.Fun.  The article continues to break down each components model starting with aesthetics the example they used was "Charades and Quake are both competitive. They succeed when the various teams or players in these games are emotionally invested in defeating each other." The example they use for the dynamic model is "Dynamics work to create aesthetic experiences. For example, challenge 

Mda Frame work
is created by things like time pressure and opponent play." and the example they use for Mechanic is "For example, the mechanics of card games include shuffling, trick-taking and betting ñ from which dynamics like bluffing can emerge." The article wraps up by explaining that by understanding how formal decisions about gameplay impact the end user experience, we are able to better decompose that experience, and use it to fuel new designs, research and criticism respectively.

enjoyed the video in this weeks learning tasks titled"Explaining the MDA Design Framework | Video Game Design" it explains the MDA framework in simpler term. It gave great examples of how he uses the framework. He also explains how we can put the framework into practice and use it to improve any game we are working on currently.  

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