During the Unity Task this week we worked on a new project named "Prototype2".It was similar to the first one as it was 3D and used some of the same code so it was too daunting. I started off very confident and sped through the first few videos with no problem but I hit a road block during the last two videos of Unit2-Basic Gameplay (Feed The Animals) Lesson 2.1Player positioning.
This weeks Unity Tutorial was a struggle for me. I made a mistake during the first tutorial and after going through the whole thing three times I just could not find my mistake. Thats the hard thing about the unity tutorial and just coding in general one letter out of place and my game would not run. I spent the recommended time on this task but I had to stop and take a break as I was getting no where and decided I am going to take a step back and work on another task for week05 and come back to the Unity Tutorial later. If I still can't find my mistake I will just do as much as I can in the videos.
I have done a few extra credits for this module each week and I have not missed a deadline on any task to date so I'm not worried that this will effect my grand but it is discouraging. I will update the blog later when I attempt the Unity Tutorial again, I think I ma going to have to start from scratch. :(
lern.unity.com |
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