Sunday, October 11, 2020

Feedback Thoughts

 As soon as I saw the reading list for this weeks task "Project Feedback" I clicked straight into "Why Rejection Hursts So Much" this article intrigued me straight away, it is a question I never thought to ask myself. The quote used to sum up the article was "The greatest damage rejection causes is usually self-inflicted. Just when our self-esteem is hurting most, we go and damage it even further". This made me think a lot, I didn't under and it first but then the article goes on to explain the the self inflicted damage dates back to caveman and it was a survival instinct to make sure you didn't get kicked out of the pack so and it has stayed with us through school when we didn't want to get kicked out of our friend groups and be alone and even to this day in this course when we have to do group work no one wants to be not picked or put in a group of people you done really know because you where iced last. It visna really interesting pattern in human behaviour. 

The second article I read was "seven ways to crush self doubt in creative work", the seven ways where:

  • Don't compare yourself to others
  • Abandon perfectionism
  • Be countable to a trusted community
  • Embrace a groth minset
  • Set goals that are within your control
  • Treat you work like an experiment 
  • Trust yourself
This article I also think everyone should read it relates a lot to the self doubt and self destruction mentioned in the "Why rejection hurts so much" the author gave numerous personal examples of how he has gone against all these rules in the past you can see his self destructive patterns. It is a very useful trait to have to be able to stop self doubt as it can hold us back more than we realise and cause regret. 

Although the two articles where about self doubt and rejection I see feedback as a positive tool to help you grow and be successful in your learning. I also think everyone needs to face rejection a few times in their life one to know how to handle it and turn it into a life lesson and two to keep then grounded and learn how to give out rejection without being hurtful. 

Feedback image from google

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